Where to start…??? So - here we are - day 100. I feel like I should have found some moving quote or phrase that motivated me to keep going in the last 100 days and share it with you. So….here are a few off the top of my head that I can share :
“Do or do not, there is not try”
“Either you define the moment or the moment defines you”
“Your gonna eat lightning, and your gonna crap thunder”
“Losers always wine about their best. Winners go home and f*** the prom queen”
Ok really - these are just lines from some of my favorite movies and I’ve taken absolutely no motivation from them at any point in the last 100 days…but maybe someone else might.
Now that I have hit my stride of 100 days of this - a few people have started ask me how I’m doing this. While that may sound like an easy question for me to answer - it has made me think a lot. (often times this can be painful for me to do) As I push through the intense pain of thinking it has been hard to come up with anything other than “I’m working out a lot and eating less” because that is really what I’m physically doing. But that is only part of it - the mental/emotional part is what has been harder. What I’ve come to realize is that the key for me to cut down on the food intake was to make food non emotional. What does that even mean?? In the past, I would want to eat something because of the taste or how I felt after eating it. By being conscious of the calories I’m eating, food has become more of a numbers game to me. It works perfectly with my OCD brain. I know that isn’t the answer for everybody, but it has been the single largest breakthrough for me.
The working out has been great for me - especially over the last 60 days. I was even shocked at myself when I asked my trainer to write down a list of exercises I could do while on vacation earlier in the month - and I actually did them too! Tonight, he and I were talking about what is next and he is encouraging me to do a Turkey Trot 5k run on Thanksgiving. Let’s review a few things about me and running. Until recently, I was convinced the ONLY reason to run was if you were being chased. (so naturally I never wanted to piss off the wrong people because I never wanted to run) I have always been rather rotund so running and I have never been on speaking terms. During the boot camp workouts recently, we have been doing a lot of interval running on the track. Let me tell you - it plain SUCKS! But - as the days/weeks have gone on I have already found that my stamina has increased dramatically and I’ve been cutting down my times in 800 and 400 meters. I’ve also noticed that the amount of time in between an interval run when I’m recovered and able to do it again has been cut down too. So….now I’m seriously considering doing a 5k…am I crazy? I found a 7 week training program that sounds pretty reasonable to do. If so, I will need to start the first week of October to be ready in time. If I do it - I’m going to have to rename this blog - “From Fatass to 5k in 5 months” Catchy title - don’t ya think?
So - at last writing I had set a short term goal to be down 40 pounds by the start of football season - and I did it! So my reward was to have a day free of counting calories and such. Yea….that wasn’t as successful - apparently I can’t do that after all! But, its now time to look towards setting a new intermediate goal and an appropriate reward. So - here’s the goal - whether or not I run the 5k on Thanksgiving, my goal is to lose 18 pounds by Thanksgiving Day. If I accomplish that plus the 5k on the same day - I’m having a huge problem thinking of an appropriate reward. I’m looking for some thoughts here. (if there’s anybody out there) I’ve got the tattoo reward down (even thought I haven’t gotten one yet) and the ultimate goal of Steelers PSLs but I’m not sure what I should choose for this one. What are some thoughts out there? I am looking for some help.
Quick review of the statistics:
100 days without soda/tea
84 days without any caffeine
44 pounds lost since my heaviest weight
34 pounds lost in last 100 days
21 pounds lost since starting boot camp workouts and calorie counting (57 days)
18 pounds until my next goal
Nearly down 2 full pants size…and sadly the ability to wear my Steelers camos. The greatest thing that has started to happen over the last few weeks is the amount of people saying something about me losing weight. I look at myself everyday and therefore I can’t tell a difference, but something extra has happened within the last 2 weeks that has really shown to others. I can’t tell you how good hearing it from somebody else feels.
Love And Rockets….
(Jeremy - I realize this entry is probably not even a B- standard - I promise to do better next time)
Landis - Excellent update! Frankly, I'm glad you're losing weight not for the health reasons but so you can no longer wear team camos. Have some self respect, man. ;)